As most that have been monitoring our forums will know I have been working on a Node-red GUI designed to work with Tstat10 and other similar products.
Recently the GUI is undergoing some pretty major changes so I have not been posting any updated flows or progress on the project – been busy actually getting things all working as we would like before releasing the GUI and including it compatible products. The GUI is now compatible with the Tstat10 and several products that share the same firmware and registers. It is designed to be able to configure up to 8 Tstat10 or similar devices, soon will add ability to configure more than 8. Currently each room/zone with a Tstat will show that status of the temperature, humidity, occupied/unoccupied status, and ability to change the setpoint, system mode (heat/cool/auto), fan mode (on/off/auto), an override option, and a notification of last time updated. The temperature gauge also has colored areas which show the setpoint and deadband range – temperatures where the heating or cooling will be enabled.
The above image shows where I am at with this right now, except for refreshing the deadband range, once I have solved this problem I will be able to post a fully working version of the flow, along with a new image file for the compute module. Here is a link to the current flow – as mentioned most of the functionality is currently disabled.